Coffee shop illusions

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Latte art by Kara Jernigan

I wonder how much profits increase at local coffee shops during the final exam season… The closer it gets to the end of the semester, students flock to the nearest source of caffein and free wifi. The conversations I overhear or the public displays I see always shock me.

This “coffee shop mentality” is interesting to observe. From the perspective as both a long-time coffee shop employee and cafe goer, it is mildly entertaining — and often embarrassing. By simply trying to study, I sometimes learn intimate details about strangers.

Just because you are sitting at a tiny table whispering over your laptop or stack of books and binders, doesn’t mean the soft house music is loud enough to keep others from unintentionally hearing your conversation. Do society a favor and remember that you are not studying in your living room at home with a friend, you are in a public space. People WILL see what you are looking at on your laptop and people WILL hear you and your friend’s conversation …

My advice: If you want to have a study group where you will all be discussing anything, arrange to do it at someone’s house. Make it a potluck, someone bring the coffee, someone bring the cookies — you’re good to go. If you are studying at a cafe, turn the lighting down on your computer to keep it more private and harder for others to see. Keep your earbuds in and head down, it will help keep you on task and more productive.

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Latte Art by Kara Jernigan

One thought on “Coffee shop illusions

  1. The picture caught my attention at first but yes! I must agree I am one of those stereotypical college students that need that coffee! I a few nights ago I actually walked over to the nearest Starbucks to order an espresso just to help pull off those all-nightiers. Although I would just get the coffee and go back home because I don’t have friends that want to study with me lol. Last semester when I lived in Waipahu, I had a couple of friends that lived near by and we would go to a starbucks to study. Also when you mention that people “Will” be looking at our laptops or listen on our conversation, I’m pretty sure people doesn’t care and since it is a public place I feel like it should be expected that people we be somewhat loud. Don’t take me wrong, I find it irritating when people are loud in public and it is common courtesy to keep the noise level down. Also why would people look at your laptop? I mean if people are studying im sure there won’t be anything of interest on the screen, like im pretty sure no one will watch something obscene in public. Anyways, I agree with you that people should have some common courtesy when out in public but then again it is public and i am pretty sure no one cares, if someone does then i think the store employees would kick them out or something lol.

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